Lots of RF shenanigans happen at DEF CON. If you’re interested in joining in on the fun, make sure you have a radio that can transmit on the frequencies listed below.
If you’re looking for a multi-purpose radio, we recommend the Quansheng UV-K5, you can find it on many online retailers like Amazon or AliExpress.
- 462.550 MHz - FRS Channel 15 - LHC Simplex Frequency
- 146.580 MHz - HAM CON Simplex Frequency ★
- 445.555 MHz - HighRollerCon Simplex Frequency ★
★ yOu mUsT bE a LiCeNsEd HaM oPeRaToR tO uSe ThIs FrEqUeNcY
You can use this file with CHIRP to program your radio. Comes with all frequencies listed above, as well as all FRS and GMRS channels.
We’re also using Meshtastic devices to communicate with each other. If you have a Meshtastic device, make sure to check out or Meshtastic page for more information.